
Unavailable love

Does he think the same
Does think not
But I can\'t help to think of him a lot
Why am I feeling like this? I really don\'t know
But since I met him my mind he blown
Someone else has his heart so I need to switch off
Try and forget him and cut him off
I know he likes me I just don\'t know how much
I could sit and day dream about feeling his touch
He\'s got a big smile and beautiful eyes..
That I could stare into until the sunrise
Do I tell him how I feel? And risk being rejected
Because there\'s no doubt in my mind I would be affected
But then I know it\'s a step to helping me move on
Get my shit together and walk on
Because I know right now it\'s not going to happen
But he\'s in my mind 24/7
From morning to night I just can\'t think straight
Should I take my chances and wait?
For him to be a free man and ask him out
But that may never happen I have so many doubts
All I know right now is I\'m so confused
I was in a relationship myself but he had to be refused
Because how do I carry on when I\'m thinking of somebody else