
The transparent people among us


The cleaners,

The garbage pickers,

The grass cutters,

The homeless.

The fired people, which can no longer find a job even at the age of forty five.

The disabled and mentally ill people that struggle to survive.

The people in Haiti, refugees in Syria, and the kidnapped girls in Nigeria that we don’t give a damn if there are dead or alive.

The Holocaust survivals that were in survival mode all their life.

The little children and victims of violence  that don’t have the conditions to dream and strive.


We can’t look away from the transparent people.

Bad things happen in society when we are not being sensitive and act as we live in wealthy steeple.


We may not know them personally, but they are cells of society’s organism.  

If we ignore them, wake up, it’s because deep inside we are prejudice and act in racism.