

I remember Qualtrix - that you work for the software survey company


That you had been in a relationship for four years, broken up and got back together. And you realised he wasn’t right for you or you were together. I asked if you loved him - you replied ‘Evidently not enough’. I know that to be wise.


I remember pushing myself off up the seat and standing before you, only then deciding that the kiss was there to be shared.


I remember you buying me a drink.


Walking down the pathway and you being belligerent. Walking away and hearing you call my name stopped me in my tracks,


I remember you urging me into the water - refusing and wishing you in - you said \'let’s go in together’.


I remember fire. The heat twixt souls enflamed. Sea urchins I do not remember -but they served that purpose later. 


The passion never forgotten, unique at each encounter. 


I remember light white upon lime water. The slow clap evolving to applause as we splashed out of the water to a captive audience we did not even notice.


I remember heading to yours and meeting your friends. Asking for a prophylactic as we ravaged each other craving union.


None to be found we continued. Reckless we plundered. Caution to the wind with caution not to cum inside. 


I remember your fingers inside you as you rocked back and forth, and your glowing smile as you watched me handle myself and grow. 


I remember you reaching for me and pulling you up to straddle me.


I remember driving through and unifying through the depths dived together.


I remember you tucked up and serene. The taste of your sweat-sweet forehead as I kissed you before I left the door.

