
The Train Song

You are stuck in a land that is filled with shadows. You are so accustomed to darkness, you have become explicitly blind. The evils that dormant over you seem to have become inescapable. You don’t know where to turn. There is no escape, or it seems like there is none. There is always the easy way out. You feel compelled and obligated. But then you hear the whistle. Its sound ignites the sky as the thundering ground is shaking. This huge object is raging towards you as you see steam surround your consultant. The train appears in front of you. You don’t know where it is going to or when it is ending, but you hop on.

 There is still darkness in the train, but shimmers of light surround the seats on which you sit on. You may make stops on your way, but they may be just as dark as the start from which you left. You may have to get in and out of the train, although you know not of what lies ahead.

 You find this place, still dark, but feels different. It has a glow. A brightness. The sky may be a shade of dark grey, but it’s not black. You rummage around this place and discover new objects. Objects with light. You keep searching for them. You try your best to get the most light out of them and throw it up in the sky. Each and every day, the sky may get brighter. Some days it gets dark and you can’t see. But it always get brighter. You start to be able to see. You extend your hands in front of you and you see them. In time, you find a mirror, and see the person you are, the person that has been rummaging through the dark. You see this own light inside of you. It grows by itself as you feel the sky gets brighter and brighter. You see an extravagant sight that you haven’t seen in a long time, as long as you can remember. You see a spot of blue.

 Blue in the sky? What does that mean? You know what it means. As the blue starts tearing its way through the lightly shaded gray clouds, thunder strikes. Not once, and not twice. It strikes 128 times per minute. The whistle tears through the wind as your salvation approaches. That of which you found as an escape, is here to take you aboard. Maybe you don’t have to board it? Of course you do. You step on the train and find a sight you thought you escaped. The train is still dark. As the train goes the light from the sky fills the train, but darkness is still present in a very conscientious feeling. The train moves and the farther you travel, the dimer the light becomes. You don’t know where it is going to or when it’s ending.

There is still darkness in the train, but shimmers of light surround the seats on which you sit on. But you don’t sit on the seats. You go all the way to the front and confront the conductor for whom made this train come back. However, it is no surprise to what you see. You sit down, take the clutch, and push it foreword. You choose what crossroads you take, and you glide through them with swiftness. You see a stop ahead of you. Not knowing how far away or how big it is, you plunge forward and stop at your destination. You exit the train to discover a place with the sky pierced in blackness.

 As you start searching for the things of which light the sky, you hear the thunder start again. You turn around to see your salvation streak away. The scary part isn’t the mystery of when the train will come back. The scary part isn’t how dark the sky is. The scary part is not knowing where to start looking.

 But this sky will not be black. Your eyes will not go blind. You will keep looking, and you will find light.