Doll in Wonderland


Bite me

No, really, bite me so hard it breaks skin

Any damage done

Will be a sweet distraction

Of the bloody pulp mess that is my heart

If you reached in the cavernous hole 

Where my heart resides, 

And tried to extract it, 

It wouldn\'t come out whole, like a tooth

It would come out in gooey, gelatinous strings

Like gutting a pumpkin.

So really, 

Get a pair of rusty pliers, 

And reach in, maybe pull a few teeth

Maybe  rip out that razor sharp tongue


So badly wanted me to cultivate

But hated

Once I mastered the art of using it against you. 

Go right ahead, 

And peel my skin, 

Take it from my bones 

With your bare hands, 

And dirty fingernails, 


Leave me aching and raw

So I can forget

Any tenderness

I had mistaken for intimacy

All of these discarded pieces and parts

My burnt flesh offerings 

To put on your shrine, 

To no god, but to yourself

You fucking narcissist 

Take whatever it is you need from me

Dissect me

And leave me alone.