



Close your eyes

Picture the last time you were by a pool with the sun kissing your forehead the the rays stretching its lazy fingers down your neck gently massaging your shoulders all the way down to your toes

Then your toes start to dip in to the calm tranquility of the fresh pool
As the water rises to ankle height
You take that sharp inhale of the warm tropical air and begin to let go

Both feet
You let go of all your worries and woes of the past

Knee height gently slipping to thighs
You close your eyes as Ra extends her full lips and hot air wraps around your torso so lovingly

Solar plexus fully submerged with feelings of awakening
Awakening of the throat as i begin to talk of poetry from my heart

My eyes see you but my third
My third eye looks in to your soul
It sees visions of our shilouettes dancing under Ra connecting....

Connecting to a higher place
Mentally and