Doll in Wonderland

When Your Lobster Tells You He\'s Moving On


And choking on my tears

Losing you 

I just can\'t bear this 

Take all the pieces of me 

Scoop them up, bare hands on broken glass

Refusing to look at my reflection

What have I done?

What have I done?

I never should have left you

I never should have given you up. 

All these pieces of me

Put in a box

Take me

And shove me on a shelf, in a closet

To be forgotten

And covered in dust

Let him go

Let him go

He deserves to be happy

Even if I\'m not

Thanks for the memories

And all the time spent

You are irreplaceable

And loved me at my worst 

All these pieces of me 

I will clean up 

And you can forget about me 

I\'m not yours to worry about, anymore. 

But I will smile

And tell you I\'m so happy for you

Even though it destroys me to.