
October Nineteenth



This day you’ve been alive your full twenty-five


And I’m sitting at Our Creek Ben, 

wishing you could know

The rainbow 

in my heart.


Years of memories un-predicted

During which I’ve become


To being Mum.


It’s true I struggle to remember

The sequence of events that day

With clarity

That specialness deserves.


And Gone, in the blink of my eye 

Times so rich with learning

With loving, 

With struggling, striving to be all


For you, This day you’ve been alive your full twenty-five.


Yet resounding through time 

A desperateness that aches

Fills my chest

My desire to be the best


And as the old ‘not good enough’ stays present

I push, push it down 

Make it acquiescent,

Remind myself


I  do learn, I do love

I  struggle, and yearn and yearn to be 

Yours, your Mum

In only the way Mum Could


And what I now should understand is 

No one will share the love 

that though we’re now untied, unites us 

Hand In Glove


With the beauty of this day you’ve been alive your full twenty-five.