
Create and connect to your inner home of silence

Sit loose, close your eyes

Breathe in slowly.. And let go…

Breathe in deeply, And let go…

Breathe in smoothly, let go…


Place your right palm over your heart and your left palm on your forehead.

Wait few moments,

Be aware of your being.

Don’t rush

You are here to get InTouch with your being.


Touch yourself gently and slowly:

Place both palms and pet your forehead, eye muscles and cheeks.

Both palms petting your neck, shoulders and crossed arms,

Hug yourself… feel you are being hugged from within.

Touch softly, your belly, hips, down your legs and knees.

Breathe in slowly.. And let go…

Breathe in deeply And let go…

Breathe in smoothly, let go…


Touch yourself easily;

From the backside of your feet and up,

Scan with your palms, you lower back,

Scan with your palms, you upper back,

Spread your fingers as a comb and massage the top of your head downward back and forth.


Place your right palm over your heart and your left palm on your forehead.

Breathe in slowly.. And let go…

Breathe in deeply And let go…

Breathe in smoothly, let go…



You are creating your inner home,

The foundation for your silent inner space,

You will connect it on demand, when you are in environment of disharmony and stress.

Have success