
To my first best friend.

\"My dearest Meraid,\"

Looking through my old photos today, I saw pictures of us during our younger days. We were smiling, laughing actually with no cares, as if we held the world in our hands. Seeing those pictures transported me back to a time when no one can separate us, not even that cute boy who both caught our eyes and made our hearts flutter for a while.

We were supposed to be together forever but that wasn’t meant to be. The day you left for another city for your mother to accept a job she\'s have always wanted was devastating, knowing that you will not be there with me. You chose to stay to with her because you followed your own heart, as well as your mothers. 

We haven\'t spoke since the last day of fifth grade but there is not a day that goes by that I don\'t think of you, Meraid Marie Jorgensen. 

You are deep in my heart forever, as a part of me who is still fighting. Thinking we might cross paths again.

I do know one thing though. We parted ways not because we fought or ceased to be friends. We simply got older and this just meant we had more responsibilities to attend to.

I thought of writing to you now since we are both in our advanced years, presumably with more time in our hands. Maybe it is time to resume our interrupted friendship. I miss you my friend and I hope we will run into each-other one day once again.

Your Best friend for life,


Kylie Sierra Musselman.


The girl who let you sit with her when no one else would in kindergarten.


Much love Meraid.


-Kylie. ❤️