
Stuck in the Mud

So, what with you is the deal?

Is there no room in your brain?

I’m not trying to re-invent the wheel.

Why are you so resistant to change?


It’s a chance to do something new.

To become more efficient.

What’s the dagger you just threw?

Your bad attitude is what’s consistent.


Why are you stuck in a comfort zone?

Spending more time on Facebook.

Do little as possible, go home.

As little as possible on real work.


Not like you’re being asked to move mountains.

Just have to do a few more key strokes.

One less trip to the water fountain.

Wasting time telling your sick jokes.


I’m not trying to make less work for me.

Remember, there is no “I” in “TEAM.”

I’m just making a polite plea.

Not trying to bruise your self-esteem.


Life’s more interesting with variety.

Growth, development, and nurture.

But, Oh Yah, I forgot,

You came with the furniture.


I know you been here longer than I.

So, I just make one more phone call.

It’s amazing what one can learn.

When they thought they knew it all.