Bad Feng Shui

Home is where the heart is

At least, that is what they say

It all becomes quite a catastrophe when it falls within the boundaries of bad Feng Shui

I started to practice this ancient art at least twenty times before

Each time, learning new riddles that rhyme with the doorways to darkness

Many blessings have I

The only reason why it even lasted this long

A tragic song of love, in mourning

Desperate to force it into passage, which just would not happen

Outside forces fuel the flames of envy

Everything that he has lost in his life has already returned to allow him to dance freely through azure skies

Meanwhile, I sit in a comatose state, wailing

A little bit less this week than last, when his tables all turned over in front of my eyes

The anger, the hatred, the rage that fought to take over my sorrowful heart

I am in awe that he was so able to up and depart as if he were never even a part of this, let alone the other half of me

No laws were ever written to maintain longevity within the soul

Too much was always missing

His abrupt departure, caused by outer influences, the main one being way too much dope

I really thought I had been re-acquainted with all that I had ever hoped for with the intensity of a child, who always wants more

Trickery upon my spirit, my opus, my core

My being longs to be able to just ignore his entire impact upon me

But, reality, in all of its bitchy harshness tells me that next October is already here

Soon will come the Holiday season that he ruined just because I went so far out of my way to try and create it

I just wanted our place to feel homey for Christmas

Instead, that day came and went with us being apart and both of us essentially alone

I could feel the emptiness deep within my bones

I just wept and wept

I will never allow myself to be treated in such a way ever again

I have not really been quite the same ever since

Our love has faded too deeply to rekindle it back to the way it was meant to be

Our toilet was in the relationship corner in the South Western zone

Our love had gone down the pipes that lead to the sewer

Our laughs became fewer and fewer from day one

Poison arrows up your snatch are never any fun to nurse back into fruition with all of the consequences that they insist upon

A mission to see to our ruin

Objects in the atmosphere that are not circular in nature like their greater counterparts, the Moon and the Sun

Negligence I could not have possibly have known I owned saw to it that the ancient art of the Orient won the fight....

