
Light Switch

It felt like you came out of the blue

Just showed up

Just burst in


I saw you\'d been standing there for some time

I didn\'t even know you wanted to come in until the alcoholic fog cleared a few things up

I could have let you in


I didn\'t

I couldn\'t

Not at first

No one ever gets in

I didn\'t understand why

I couldn\'t

But now that I have you lying next to me

Less than dressed

Suddenly I felt the light switch flip

And I realize what it is

There is something inside of me that decides how I feel about you that night, that minute, that moment

on or off

on or off

on or off

It\'s always one or the other

Please don\'t touch me or come closer

There is no in-between

But they\'re both so intense I don\'t know which is real

I guess if I\'m honest they both are

I want you or I want to want you but can\'t

You know

The guys that come knocking never stick around for very long

The ones that I actually invite to my door always seem to fall short

of expectations

Am I expecting too much

Am I giving away too much

too fast

This has to be my doing

it always is

Then I thought maybe the problems were my choices of men

and hell maybe that\'s it

But I know that\'s not the case with you

It can\'t

I want nothing more than for the light to be left on

I convince myself until it\'s true

But now that I\'m lying here next to you

Less than dressed

You\'re holding both my hands like you\'re afraid that if you let go

they\'ll disappear in a cloud of smoke

Kissing my fingers, my head, my nose, my neck

Looking in my eyes

I feel like you\'re the first person to actually see me

Knowing that tomorrow you won\'t be here to hold my hand or kiss my head while we fall asleep

and I realize

the lights been on for two days and I barely even noticed

It\'s nice

This back and forth inside me has calmed

Our last night together and the switch stays on

Saying goodbye, the light is very much on

You\'re gone and the light\'s still on

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

isn\'t that what they say

This must be that, cause the lights still on and it\'s not going away

You\'ve been there a while now

We talk less

You\'re busy

I get it but why is this light still on

God how do I turn this light down, it\'s too bright when it\'s on

I worry about you I hope you\'re alright cause my light is still on

I know that you are this is silly I\'m sorry but this light is still on

It\'s been a few days now and I think your light is gone

I feel it in my bones

But mine is still on

Can you flip your switch back on for me

This isn\'t fair


Okay fine

if you can\'t turn it on I understand but

Someone please come turn my light off so I can get some goddamn sleep