
I Swore an Oath

I Swore an Oath

I swore an oath to protect the same people who want my head

I swore an oath without favor to serve until i am legally discharged or dead

I swore an oath to keep peace in the community the same one that hates me

I swore an oath to to honor the publics trust no matter how hard it could be

I swore an oath to prevent all offenses to the peace even though it will be my fault at the end 

I swore an oath to the best of my power honor my badge and the department that I work in.

I swore an oath so help me god to run towards danger when no one else can

I swore an oath to be there for my brothers and sisters if they need my hand

All I need you to do is try to love me to forget and forgive

Be there for me too

Because I swore an oath

Maybe you can