kevin browne

Galactical Revelations.

worshipping many factors that revolve around us all, led flat up against this planet as we spin around and around, and yes, how oh all the high but not rather so mighty fall, who wants them poisoning my writing with their dirty minds, spearing arrows up to the tide when it never ebbs on you, winter wonders with the delights that set\'s a standard too. education stands beside the intellect of yet undiscovered or unseen, fair is a deceit to those in believing towards some other Gods, when you said you knew it all was I the one still standing after it, rhetoric silliness never upset the love of any formidable wisdom, so a sight to see is us on a planet seemingly lifeless and blue, Plato played the institution of higher learning in the Western world, a very interesting and a very pivotal moment when he academised, in a distance though that the inspection upon Earth was true, from a light distance danced all along its galactical revelations, and a little large amount of endlessly darkened matter in stars, seen anywhere near a human that it\'s not impossible to dream, standing as structure whilst a million things pass a mind or two. see that time thing when you wake up in the morning when it isn\'t, life, wherever it is, watches us as we all put up another show, achievements are gratitude towards whatever is left in life, rejoice in what\'s here right now and not to worry who\'s where, Sun is red, the Earth is blue with the white bands of Jupiter too. colours are the same as in use them in all the same light, because that\'s where the secret lies. everything there is so bright.