
I\'m Not Unfriendly

I’m not an unfriendly person.

If you met me in person you’d see.

I extremely friendly, for certain.

Just prefer to be a mystery.


To be a friend, one wouldn’t ignore.

One certainly wouldn’t disregard.

Friendship can be a lot of work.

Being a true friend can be really hard.


You see, I have many demands.

From my family, to whom I’ve pledged.

I’m a person with only two hands.

For now requests, unacknowledged.


I don’t mean to intentionally neglect.

I prefer to remain to myself.

I can render to you my respect.

Time for friending, for now on the shelf.


So, I thank you all once again.

Please respect my anonymity.

I can still be your virtual friend.

On this site, in our proximity.


So, truly I won’t ever forget.

The hands that you’ve extended.

I apologize if I’ve made you upset.

Your friend without being friended.