A M E R I C A ~ An Acrostic

A WESOME ~ Democratic federation of 50 very very diverse States

M CDONALDS ~ Global brand of Ameruican quality ~ consistency and value

E  VERY American according to Bill Bryson ~ is in danger of becoming a MCPERSON ! 

R  EVISITING  America most years increases my regard for her conservation

I  LOVE her diversity of Montains ~ Lakes ~ Coast ~ Wildlife ~ including PEOPLE !

C ANADA to the North MEXICO to the SOUTH ~ Limits of her CLIMATE  &  CULTURE

A MERICA makes a momenteous choice on 8th NOVEMBER ~ May the BEST WOMAN WIN !


Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ Texas Hugs for ALL ~ BRIAN XOX


If you have never visited AMERICA ~ Plan to do so ASAP ~ It could all change !