
New Moon Spell


in the backwoods of the

Louisiana bayou voodoo

is alive and well...

Calling on fire, wind, earth

and water in the shadow of

the torch lights as the

dance of the dead is danced

caught up in a trance like

frenzy, the high priest reads

from the book of rites and

invites the spirits to breath

from our cup of life...

Three times the power

of three and this month is

the perfect month as Jupiter

trines Aries...

As the dance of the dead

is danced around the

sacred crystals, ancient

skulls and the brewing

cauldrons and I know these

things all too well...

In the backwoods of the

Louisiana bayou every time

the moon is new you can hear

the distance drums beating

to a voodoo ceremony as

A NEW SPELL rings out

through the night hauntingly!