
Bonfire Night

It\'s November the 5th,Bonfire night
There is plenty of banging and fires alight
Catherine wheels spin through the air
Rockets bang and give everyone a scare
But do you know the reason why
Why we light a fire and burn a guy
Four hundred years ago there was going to be such a bang
When a chap called Guido made a plot with his gang
In the Duck and Drake plans were made
To release hell in a religious tirade
The opening of parliament by the King
Was going to be the scene for a treacherous thing
When the King walked in and the politicians sang
Gunpowder would explode with a terrific bang
But loose tongues and untrustworthy friends
Would spoil the plot and bring it to an end
Guido and his mates would all be hung
Chopped to pieces and up they would be strung
For centuries past the plot would be remembered
On or around the 5th of November
So the reason why we light up the sky
Is due to a plot by a man whose real name was Guy.