
In Justice

Survivor\'s Guilt....pain not seen...

Always trying to help others yet no concern for yourself, your own well being.

I have no opinion of myself, no value or sense of self.

I am the injustice, the v of life. 

I help yet ask for nothing in return, I hurt.

I never complain when times are hard I hurt.

The person diagnosed with white Knight syndrome, I hurt. 

No one sees as you are invisible, even in a room full of people or on the street. They only notice when it\'s too late.

To those who feel this way you will say that it is Injustice that it shouldn\'t be this way and I would agree to a point. 







No excuses. You don\'t have to like it but you must do something about it. 1st step is to say I won\'t let this stand. 

I refuse to accept this InjusTice.