
Why Vote?

                 Why Vote?


Why vote, folk?

When government is for and by itself?

Not for you, nor I, Nope!

Nor for rivers, forests, dying for help.


When the constitution sits,

Truth hides, justice lies,

Crime jumps and victims fit?


For tax so the lax may relax,

Or the way I hold my tongue

For freedom to run?


Or for red tape paper mountains majesty,

Our children climb to amber graves of deficit?


For which 10 second TV smearer do I vote?

For which amendment neither attorney can quote?

For an independent, never to reach first base?

How did he ever enter the race?

     Not even a nice face.


Vote yes, no, him, her,

This, that, with or without

An R, or more of the same,

Only the voters to blame.


Therein lies the vote, folk.

They need us scapegoats.

Apathy they love

To elect whom media shoves.

Yet why can\'t we vote



Augustus / Redlands, California / November 1986