Ride to the Clouds

Today, I alone will turn this whole thing all the way around

I will parade the streets, painting this dumpy town red




I am through with this rut, this pause

An idle stand still

I will away all of the astral nasties that keep buzzing around my head

Instead of merely existing, I would like to be able to live

Give me something more than a thousand egos that need to be fed

Bring masculinity to this lonely little rubber bed

I am sick of the fallow

It has all been said

I am no longer accustomed to dealing with this poverty

This scarcity

Such a fucking bore

I am this close to becoming a whore who actually gets paid

But, I do not want to be told how it is to be when getting laid

I must upgrade this little mess that I am in

I am ashamed to call me me

Myself or I sounds so much better

I am going to become a go-getter for the eight-hundred sixtieth time

Today, I will turn a dime into five hundred dollars

Perhaps, today I will meet a decent guy

A gentleman and a scholar

A boy who makes me holler who howls at the moon

Taking me on a ride to the clouds on a gold-plated hot air balloon

Creation found by branching out, instead of locking myself inside a vacant cocoon

Enemies everywhere

All abound

Closer than nearby

They try to tickle me with their mindless babble

They still continue to swarm, all throughout my sky

The stories of ancient chivalry, unexposed

The eldest one, who thrives in her bestial delight

The youth with all their \"poor me\'s\", their \"wah, wah\'s\", their petty woes

All I said was \"talk to him\", and about how love like theirs goes

Then, they all fled to ram their noses up my rectal region

Sheepish bitches

Crooked, demonic legion

They kept calling me their \"third\"

Then I heard the banshees scream

Dreams found me lost, not breathing

They are seething at their gums now

Spun into their circles of doom and disdain

Drowning in the rain of triumph over all of their attacks

Courage, I do not know how to lack...
