
Lesson of the elections



Are you ready to read your interpretation of the elections?

Why  many of you are so shocked, so mad, sad or feel deception?.

That’s because you found bugs in your reality perception.


You thought you hold the truth in your pocket.

You felt the other side is a disaster and you should actively, stop it!

But now, when real reality slaps you in the face,

You understand that you were in conditioning mode that entire race.


You believed the statistics and the polls and the analysis “smart people” fed you.

Supporters in your circles wanted so much to push an agenda you all thought was true.


But now you realize the many silent people who didn’t participate in THE PARTY, and didn’t have a voice.

Its time to check layers of imaginative beliefs and calibrate reality choice.


Be humbled and explore bugs in perception as result of these elections.

Expand your mind and navigate to a new level of  awareness and direction.