maryann kousarieh

Shall I

Shall I clean or shall I scream ,
I feel tired and washed out ,
I sit alone most of the time.
I seem to be just seen when it\'s eating time .
If I was not here no one will care .
No one has time for me to spare.
I don\'t need put down or degraded anymore.
I\'m down as low any woman can go.
I don\'t need to talk or cuddle anymore.
It\'s wasted words ,because nothing goes in

There\'s bars on my face not on my Windows .
I look at the door and want to go out .
But it feels like to much bother to pull the door handle down .
My head is always hurting my eyes are always burning ,to ease the pain
I closes my eyes and hope God takes me away as soon as he can .
I don\'t know what I can do to feel anything anymore ,I am empty just bone and blood
Sitting on the chair .with empty eyes that does nothing but stare .