
Veterans: Doughboys Past and Present

 I salute your discipline, perseverance,

Unrelenting, absolute, total adherence,

For first known as the day of cease fire,

Your love for country, freedoms, desires.


For without your sacrifice and devotion,

Quality of life endless backward motion.

This day, do not toss aside,

Treat it with the utmost of pride.


Take heed, the 11th hour, and the 11th day,

On the 11th month, Woodrow Wilson did say,

His words, a year later, after 1917,

The world had heard, watched, and seen.


Allied Nations and Germany reached,

Agreement to continue, remain un-breached.

No longer smothered in a blanket of fear,

People together would stand and cheer.


Although WWII and Korean horror,

Observance onward until 1954.

When, no longer labeled Armistice Day,

But, newly tagged as Veterans Day.


So, take this observance very seriously.

Important reason we live so freely.

Names in stone amongst uncut grass.

And, those still living and not yet passed.


We all owe you our deep gratitude.

We’re free to have different attitudes.

On how our government should be run.

Standing free, albeit under clouds or sun.