
Borderline Personailty Disorder.

\"I am Borderline Personality Disorder,

I will make you think you are worthless,

No one loves you,

Everyone hates you,

I will make feel like everyone will abandon you,

I will make you have constant anxiety about everything,

I will make you go from the happiest person ever,

To severely depressed and hopeless.

I will make you have impulsive thoughts,


And I\'ll make you suicidal,

I will make you attempt suicide,

I\'ll make you extremely angry in a matter of seconds,

I will make you feel empty,

I will make you feel not worth it,

I will break you down to nothing,

I am UN-treatable,

And I will make you feel like you are nothing to this world,

I will make you seem unstable.

But you can\'t let me win this war,

Because you are stronger than I am,

 I am Borderline Personality Disorder.

And this is what I do.\"