
Thoughts on turning 36

(A serious another way of looking at birthdays)

They wish me \'HAPPY BIRTHDAY\'
or even \'many happy returns of the day\'.
My folks send me gifts and greeting
congratulating me
on a life that\'s fleeting?
I can act pessimistic on this
To see the hour-glass of life half empty
rather than half full.
For I can vision each birthday
as a step closer to old age
A step closer to dreaded death
It\'s hard to look forward to going gaga or decrepit
when smooth skin would become crumpled, wrinkled
The age of doddering limbs half in the grave
Thus in one aspect each birthday to me
is a step closer to the end of a lifetime
A step closer to the unwanted guest - senility
That reverting to child-like debility
The dwindling of all agility
So I\'ve mixed feelings about celebrating
the nearing of the time when
we\'d play back \'em\' flash-backs
and in the mind re-live our life tracks
when everything would trickle down to mere memories
with ample time to linger upon life\'s souvenirs
When we would merely walk down memory lane

So to see it this way
A birthday is a step forward
but towards thy graveyard
The road might be longer
or unfortunately
end abruptly
in a short cut
to heaven or to hell
bard or no bard!

Yet despite knowing all this, I\'m always happy come my birthdays
Vivacious and spirited flying around chattering like pretty jays