

From the depths  of my heart I call upon the true meaning of who I am. The constant inability to decipher my thoughts into recognisable ideas is the challenge I face. I have failed up until now due to.... no reason. I must accept my apologies and move forward and believe I have something to offer the world... I will never see the world through a version of a younger me, my age is my present and my future. The past has no hold over my mental state. I will crush the demeaning thoughts that before cemented  my mind to the extent of sleep deprivation wish me well for this journey I must travel alone, one man, no planned route just a concept of what he might want. To convince yourself is the only important factor in who you are and will become. Use the moments of intense emotion, feelings of disgust and hatred.. but not because you wanted but because it was said by someone... The truth will set you free but the shackles of the past will ground you. Do not judge anyone for what they have not achieved or what they have done wrong. The reality is that those who judge themselves are more critical than any other. I miss the love I had for me...