
Smarty Pants

People of high intelligence,

It seems almost unfair.

Their capacity for logic,

They’re very self-aware.


Some that I’ve met,

Very egotistical.

Add in impatient,

Maybe despicable.


Don’t quickly get their point,

At you they’ll surely holler.

They don’t waste time,

They are problem solvers.


That line, I wish I was,

When brains passed out like theirs.

I wouldn’t be greedy,

Please, a pinch of the share?


But, in this wide world,

Takes brains of all kinds.

Some are simple ones,

Others, just great minds.


Look into their eyes,

Very deep and you’ll see.

Highly technical,

Cellular machinery.


I know that each of us,

Have our own intellect.

Is it the same under a scope?

Would you have to dissect?


Or, would it be apparent,

When they open their mouth.

           Could you tell right away?           

When their words came out?


If they’re not self-righteous,

I’ll stand close and see.

If some of their smarts,

Maybe rub off on me.


But if rude and self-centered.

The point for them to grasp.

Maybe borderline genius.

Or a sarcastic smart ass.