

She is cold to the touch,

frozen in disgust,

at what they seem to have become.

They move like automatons

stuck with auto-pilot on.

She remembers when he thought she was the one.

But now, he won\'t meet her eye,

his touch becomes too shy,

and she worries that it\'s all about to end.

Have they really come so far

just to end up back at the start,

having to learn each other all over again?

Time isn\'t on her side,

but she knows she has to fight

if she wants to hold on to what she has.

So she breathes deep, stands tall,

won\'t let this be their downfall,

and tries to carve them out a whole new path.

She makes him speak his words

all the problems they\'ve deferred,

and she cries but she keeps an open ear.

And when they\'ve said all that they\'ve hidden,

they agree that secrets are forbidden,

And in the end, they don\'t let love disappear.