We came into this prison
Get out
Is our mission
Unaware of the battles lurking
Around each and every corner
You are new
You are a foreigner
To this unknown world
We come into this place
With new knowledge
To uncase
We have potential
Of the most greatest things
We will never get the chance
To thrive
Because the system
It’s rigged
So no one will win
No matter how much we try
Or how far we get
We are subjected
We are held back from what could be
So great
Only so that
Everyone is the “ same “
But at what cost
We are the ones
Who shape our future
And when we are held back
We are left trapped
Only knowing
We could do great things
But you won’t let us out
And to be subjected
To this cruel punishment
You are only punishing yourself
And your few final days left
Why do you limit yourself
To ranking us
What do you want
Why not
Just let us thrive