


What would you do
If one day
I wasn\'t there

If I was gone

Would you ignore it
Ask where I was
Wonder why I wasn\'t’ there
Or get angry with me

Would you reach out to me
Or think to see me the next day

What if someone told you I was hurt
Would you rush to my side
And help me

I would like to think you would
But this pain is unstoppable

What if
One day
I died

It doesn’t matter how
Or why

Would you think it does
Or no

How would you react

Would you live your life
As though nothing happened
And with whom
Yourself or would you be angry with me

Think it was a selfish thing to do
But you are the one being selfish
Because you are jumping to conclusions
And you will never possibly understand the whole truth

Would you end your life
So you wouldn\'t have to live without me
I would hope not

Is it possible
That you could live how I would wish for you
In the good times
With me still by your side
And happy memories
Cherishing our time

Because I can’t take this anymore
I have a black hole in my soul
Every second getting bigger and bigger
I don\'t know what to do
I can\'t take it anymore
I\'m gonna run

Sometimes all I need is silence
It’s all I ask
I’m slowly drifting to the black hole
Once i’m encased I won\'t come back the saem
I’m slowing dying inch by inch
Saving me won\'t be enough
I\'m broken

After I\'m gone             
If I die
know I was smiling

In my last seconds
I was happy
Thinking of you

Don\'t be sad  
Remember all that made me smile
And be happy too

When I cease to exist
Think of me and laugh at all the things we did together

When I\'m gone
Just stand still
And picture me

I\'ll be there with you
You can\'t get rid of me that easily

Just set me free
And don\'t follow me
I choose my fate

Knowing I was happy

When my clock finally
Came to an end
Everyday was a step closer
To my point of no return  

I was trapped on the inside   
This was my only escape

I regret only
The things I left unsaid

But I will live forever
Through the memories
I left behind