
Soul writting...

I have come a mighty long way.Across highways and great lakes, superficially. Down deep, I have run from bad guys and bad things. Substances and bad dreams. If I was a snake I would have bit you because I should be deranged, a fallen angel. My momma gave me up. Thought I would shut up about what\'s was really up. The abuse and yelling was happening way to sudden and to much. Lines, mirrors and half cut straws. Passed out with sweat coming from theirs pours. No lights but the candles burning bright. No heat, bodies side by side. If my backside could talk, it would tell stories of beatings in jealously. Hatred of how my dad had money to take care of me and my step-dad was too busy being high out his misery. If I had low self esteem I would not be here. Cutting, hanging, popping, shooting up would be my choice because I did not care. Forced to bear the pain of murder. My dad taken from me without no closure. Fondled and touched by those closes to me. Turned to drugs in hopes of a better free. My life begin to spiral out of control. Doing things still untold. Used and abused like a junkies arm. Just me trying to get away from the harm.

Yet through it all God was there. Staying in the clear. Waiting for the perfect time when I needed him most. I\'m glad he stepped in because death was getting close. Love lifted me. He gave me an angel to help me see. The grass can be greener if I let him be, my one and only. Looking back, I\'m yet coming. Across the highways and byways. I have reached the shore. Finally shallow ground to explore. No more drowning from my pain. Better yet a step stool to rise and gain. I have come a long way but I\'m happy to say. I made it to see a brighter day!!!!