Sanskrit Tapestry

Surfing through endless web pages

Through baby boys names- their origins- what they mean

Searching for my own new name

A fresh image that I would basically need later to purchase from our crooked government

After all of the bullshit that went down last May finally hits the blades of the fan

Either I change my name. or I am afraid that I will have to partially hide out in the shadows

When my time comes again to travel South-Westerly to my home land

I was once in fear of my life morphing into a brutal game much like \" Mouse Trap\"

Everyone knows that the little fucker hardly ever makes it through your self-erected labyrinth alive, much less unscathed

Too late for that in my case, literally

A brief encounter with humor in its darkest form

The dense macabre has been over way before it began

For me just to walk away in an attempt to forget would be their sin controlling my movement until Lord knows the fuck when

Whenever they happen to decide that they are done barricading me body, mind, and soul

I was ejected in what must have been the slowest catapult ever created throughout the history of time

Witnessing eighteen year old boys writhing as they continued to purge themselves of the black, along with their stomach linings

Puking all over the cool concrete, which was by then just part of my backdrop

Never actually seen by my naked eye which, in my case is naked as can be because its mine

I do not even bother trying to recognize the menial things in life any longer

Growing stronger goes hand in hand with diving deeper into unforeseen depths

Before you can even take the time to hold your breath and remember how to count to ten, you are plummeted to a point in the ocean\'s descent where all of the sea life surrounding you is fueled by the neon that is extracted from their dead bodies to support a sickening obsession with handheld devices, technological toys

So, I continue searching through these names of boys in Sanskrit, Hindu, Ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, Babylonian, and Hebrew

My first name shall be Syon, Sanskrit for \"followed by luck always\"

Middle name: Aalok, meaning \"Light of the Lord\"

Adikavi: meaning \"the first poet\"

Then, Rishi, for my final name, meaning: \"seer, sage\"

My new name I have taken the time to conscientiously select

As I set sail upon this new voyage across the Seven Seas, I want to make cock sure that all hands are on deck

In retrospect of a life that lives forever upon the thin red line of almost

A numerological ghost can become of being born of two parental figures with foresight that is held in opposition

So, since I have no choice but to pay for the birth right of my new mission, then I am damned sure not going to call myself anything other than who and what I truly am

Just imagine what a gem I will be when the bottom line has been penned with my new legal name

They all refuse to allow me to kick it out in their sidelines, because they know how bored I am with their circular games

I am a chameleon that shall dance within the flora of my own glade

No matter what I make them see, my resting spot will be somewhere in the Sunshine that hides the shade

Rest assured, all of you who thrive upon your own envy, I have been paid back by the karmic law of three

I can not even begin to describe to you what it feels like to become the weaver of your own tapestry....
