


How does one do that?

How can I tell someone that I don\'t know that I want them to mean the world to me?

That I want to be everything they\'ll ever need?

How.....does one do that?

We dont.

We get scared and never try.

We don\'t even pursue, we just cower and hide. 

Then the regret sets in....what if?

It haunts us forever.

Then you wake up, next to the one.

That one you wanted, the connection

That man or woman who you thought was out of reach.

So close....

Your heart beats faster, how?

How did I get so lucky? 

Why am I so happy?

You made that 1st step and look at where you are now. 

You made a connection.

Wake up from your daydream

A dream within a dream

Sadly oh so sadly....

It\'s never that easy.