Kieran Garnett

Inner Monologue

Do we have a purpose?

I honestly don\'t know.

Is there meaning or are we simply

the universe trying to figure itself out? 

I still don\'t know.

I see a lot of injustice and pain in the world.

I feel it, I feel the worlds pain.

Anger is mostly what I feel,

Always Angry! Always!

But anger is not my tone..


I am silence, I am beauty

I am the sands of time.

I am everything on this mote of dust.

But anger is not my tone..


I need to be free,

Clock In, Clock Out.

It makes me want to scream and shout.



Then there it is,

The wind in the trees.

The gentle touch of autumns embrace,

The faint sound of the winged orchestra

echoes on a breeze.

For a moment the world was mine and 

I felt alive! 


For now I feel anger,

But anger is not my tone..