
I am not going to chase them

I am not going to paint them into a picture of future plans

There are already too many scars upon my flesh from the sutures I have had removed in the past

Life can\'t always be a walk in the park

It\'s an uphill battle

A dance in the dark

I can\'t always provide the spark to keep everything alive

They both have the drive to give me what I need

They also have the armor that tends to make my heart bleed

In some ways, I need them

They are my soldiers

My boys

They need to start treating me like the queen that I am

Let mamma do away with all their silly little sex toys

I am not going to chase either one of them this time

I have exhausted myself for way too many years

I have told them both how much I love them until my teeth have eroded down to my gums, leaving me needing a new set of veneers

I am not going to chase them

They run too fast, they move too slow

I am not going to erase them

I am going to let them grow

As long as it is in my garden, not the dirt mound of some other dumb ass bitch

I will chase their asses while riding upon my broom because this witch does not like to share

I am sick and tired of having to unravel my boys from the threads of an arachnids snare

I am not going to chase them

They are not going to run

I am over and done with everything in my past

My car is in the auto shop and I cannot afford the gas...
