

Why is it this must attack me again?!

Why must I have this fight going on within?

I try to grasp for the strength I aquired over time,

And try using the tools to keep me from commiting the crime.

I rip inside myself, dig for any sign of light. 

But my eyes cloud over, and I lose my sight.

Hope depleats; I cant rely on my stubborness anymore.

I collapse, my head in my lap, as I hit the floor. 

I cant keep living like this...


I dont want to lose the progreso I have gained,

but I also cannot continúe living with this pain.

could it really mean that I should just give up?

I dont know anymore...


Unfortunately this must now come to a close,

im out of ideas and now have tears dripping off my nose.

this poem has reacher its end.

Goodbye I say to all my friends.