
Thankful Again

It’s Thanksgiving again.

Well, another year.

I’m, so thankful, you know,

That I’m sitting here.


To put down on paper,

In writing, to say,

I’m just two days away,

From Thanksgiving again.


Able to put together,

My long shopping list.

Of what I will need,

Will have to purchase.


Here’s to the employees,

Who showed up today.

So I can in my cupboards,

Put my groceries away.


To later cook a big meal,

Makes my home so warm.

Because I was able,

To pay my utilities on time.


And made it back home,

Without the black ice.

On the road from the store,

No 10 car pileup.


As I stand at the stove,

Cutting veggies into pieces,

Thankful that my Dad,

Upon passing was so peaceful.


That a great co-worker who left,

To battle depression.

Will return in a few weeks,

Back to his profession.


And, not just those around me,

That I’m thankful,

Because my life’s like a car,

And, Love, I’ve got a tankful.


So, again thanks to all,

Helped me be so able.

To put together this meal,

For all at my Thanksgiving table.