
An inferno rages within me

You can see it in my hair

They keep staring at me, trying to figure out things that just aren\'t there

How little that I care should show now

I can\'t give in and speak to them anymore of the secrets that I know

They may listen, but they never learn

So, I burn all over because of them

They act as though they are searching for water to throw upon me, but I know that it is really gasoline that they seek

I am never weakened by any of their games

Their names are certainly not above mine

Heating up the divine light surrounding

Pounding my thoughts into the asphalt

Holding onto my shirt tail because they think they can use me to exalt themselves to some higher plane

The inferno keeps smoldering, no matter how hard comes the blessed rain to conquer its inane ability to spread from one end of me to the next

You would think that I am over-sexed if you could see me seething

Scratching at the ground like I am in a Turkish prison cell

Always on fire

Alive and well

Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes

Adorned by a hundred satin sashes

So many out there longing and learning

I hold all of the knowledge and I am burning away

So many out there, so discerning

Well, trust and believe I need nothing from the likes of you

My eyes will keep burning just to see me through to the next plane

My heart keeps on burning in the pangs of all my pain

The tables keep turning as they keep trying to find my bane

The labels keep printing because of an insane desire to categorize

Each time my cover keeps burning, I awake in a whole new guise

Surprises are what I burn for...
