
A Special Delivery

Dressed for sex      
in your Sunday best      
I sneaked inside your      
Dressed like a postman      
For comic effect      
I scattered random envelopes      
containing the torn up      
love letters I wrote to you      
in my youth.      
The truth was our sex life      
had reached its sell by date      
and now it was time        
for something different.      
you refused ideas      
of kinky bondage      
and dressing in leather,      
now it was time to      
return home and      
think of something clever.      
What else was that poking      
inside my satchel      
it didn\'t take a genius      
to guess.      
You liked the batman costume,      
but the postman outfit      
you liked was the best.      
I delivered my length      
you called it a special delivery      
the soap suds from your naked body      
made our sex too slippery.      
like our love I held on        
for dear life      
as you reach your peak      
then laugh      
as my dick gets stuck      
in my trouser zip.      
You point,      
take snaps      
post it on facebook      
then pack it with ice,      
then I remind you        
that this postman      
doesn\'t always rings twice.      


- Ray