I love it when it rains
I know I will see you
Raining to hard for you, you don\'t like getting wet
Here I\'m happy sitting with a gleeful hope of joy
so again, I\'m happy to silently sit awaiting the rain
As I know you don\'t like getting wet, for all you can feel are all the tears ive shed, all our pain
So I will ever so slowly feel the tears lift. And that\'s where they will stay
ever so slowly the rain will have to just stay away
Ever so slowly I will fill the void
never again will he get wet as all the tears have dried.
I may have said before that he don\'t like getting wet
Just as I don\'t like shedding all the tears that you feel
I\'m also aware of how this really goes.
I shed my tears you get wet.
but together we are dry and happily exposed