
Reminiscing .....

Two streets away they would process the fish,
gutted and skinned and made ready for a dish.
Processors with beards,rubber aprons and knifes
Worked along side, hair net fish packing wife\'s
Very busy, very noisy and always that smell,
but now it falls silent and nothing more we can tell.
I walk silent roads filled with memories and ghosts,
the smell is now gone and so have the hosts.
In modernisation everything changes or so i am told,
but some things should stay as a thing to behold.
Those people were hard but honest and fair,
small boxes for houses, crammed in a small square.
Our garden was a yard,concrete for grass
a ball between brothers was easy to pass.
Melancholy overtakes me, tears in my eyes,
this is where my life started and my history lies.