

This time seems harder than any

I wish

I wish that I could flip a penny
Land on heads and I\'ll arrive
Land on heads and I won\'t arrive
I wish this hill would be longer
I ought to be stronger, but I can\'t
I just can\'t
Come on, please be longer
I know ideally I should be stronger
I know ideally I am not going to be.


Why did you stick that rizla?
You had to stick that rizla.
\"Narcissistic\" I call myself
I like it secretly
Do I?
I\'m sure I do
I\'m still calling though
Yes, I\'m still calling.

You say it\'s all okay now
I doubt you though
I still doubt you somehow
You forget that I know you
But do I?
Or was it that what I knew was how you wanted me to perceive you?
I loved you.
I loved the concept of being in love.
With you.
Without you.