
I\'ll face myself

The enemy is me, the shadow I leave in my wake

All the empty feelings inside....

Disgust, envy, rage, and hate

The light within the darkness

Heaven burned to ashes like hell

No mask left to hide behind, time to deal with what you really are....

The devil inside, outside the angel lies

Sad and spiteful person, sweet and loving man

A life worth more than millions, a life to throw away

What do I....mean to me..? To you?

The mirror breaks yet, I feel pain

It stings.....a reminder

This will happen, you will crash

Self doubt, malice, and regret

The positive and negative, weigh the pros and cons

As long as there is one good thing on the table, keep fighting

Through all the pain and tears

Through all the hate and rejection

The pain makes you human....keep fighting

(I\'ll be cheering for you every step of the way)