
No Cell Zone

Turn off the tunnel vision.

Straighten up your poor neck.

Look up and all around you.

From your texting, take a break.


You’re constantly on your phone,

As you’re walking down the street.

In danger of being plowed down,

Knocked dead, off of your feet.


Maybe walking on the sidewalk,

Your blind spot to those you’re with.

Then you bump into their shoulders,

Left with a dented relationship?


Try plowing your handsome nose,

Steer a path towards tasty scents,

The fresh bread steaming out,

Of the local bakeshop vents.


Try smashing your shining eyes,

Into all those walking past,

They turn and look back at you,

Probably appreciate eye contact.


Skid to a stop, your sweet smile,

Before those tired and worn.

You might just make them feel,

A sense of comfort and warmth.


Crash gently your head in the moment,

Realize it’s always present.

Listen close and you’ll hear “Hi!”

When it was you, who first said it.


Lift your head from your phone.

For your walk, at least, tuck away.

Give all of your born senses,

A chance to be part of your day.


Because, just remember,

Maybe the driver behind the wheel,

Who, too, was texting inattentive,

Gave that moment your life to steal.