
Beyond the portal~

I was hanged along the compromised walls of my mind and before me there was a portal to the nowhere, but my movement was restricted by his voice and words. His hand reached out for me and attached a mask, I let out a cry as this mask was feeding on my soul, corrupting it to form a grim shape of me. I refused to succumb to the mask even though his whispers made ulcers to my weak breathless heart. The forbidden words danced around my thoughts, giving them a reason to fall and decay. The mask blinded me from reality, but I heard his amused chuckle and it wiped off any piece of grace, empting my emotions and turned them into unfortunate screams. The mask preyed on my mind and filled it with agony and in the end, he beguiled me into an imaginary hopes and I succumbed to him, still wondering what is beyond this portal.