
There\'s Nothing In My Poem

Think of the word nothing.

Is there actually nothing to see?

You disagree with someone,

You shout, “You get nothing from me!”


Or expecting a package delivery,

Mailman tells you, “Nothing’s arrived.”

Because your game is rained out,

Nothing on the sport channel that’s live.


If your favorite show’s not on,

Guide says nothing’s scheduled for air.

No empty seat in a packed theatre,

Because there’s nothing but filled chairs.


At the store, searching for that gift,

No one ever helped you out.

It’s fair to say there’s no one to thank,

So, with nothing you walk out.


Go a day without work,

Is a day without wage.

So you get nothing for nothing.

That fits nicely on the page.


Double negative phrase,

Telling you what to expect.

Goes something like this,

“You ain’t seen nothing yet.”


The funny golf caddy movie,

Starts with the Star riding his bike.

And, old guy yells at his grand kid,

“You’ll get nothing and like it.”


But, if you look nothing up,

In Webster’s Dictionary, you’ll observe.

That nothing is really something,

Like Pronoun, Adjective, Adverb.


So, there’s nothing in my poem.

Were you expecting a blank page?

I think Webster’s would say,

Nothing but an outrage.