
Red Ribbon

I adorn myself in red ribbons on December 1st of each year.

It\'s for each and every person infected by HIV/AIDS.

The immune virus that is hushed and silenced, a private personal matter like an unspoken rule.

If known that one is positive, then all life known turns hell and that soul, that HUMAN BEING is made to suffer unjustly at the very hands of society.

Stigma attached to the incurable disease breeds hate and fear making one diagnosed positive feel sub - human and inhuman like a ghost

HIV/AIDS affects us all whether we know it or not - although there is no cure for this fatal score, we have hope that one day we can fight this disease

Until then, educate yourself and get tested - knowing your status can help save your life!

Further spread awareness and prevention so that others can know, let\'s work together to end the fatal virus and stop the hate!