
I\'m Trapped

When it came upon me,

It was very clear.

Stomach talking, very loud,

There’s pounding in my ears.


To my bedroom, I go.

Annoyed by all sound.

Got a sense, will take days.

Stomach bug, I’ve been found.


Thought of food just now,

No, please don’t come near.

I’ll not keep it down.

Very certain, real fear.


I lay here wondering.

How did this happen?

This Virus caught me.

Just total entrapment.


I am longing for,

The days I feel great.

Get over this thing,

At least loose some weight?


But, as the Doctors say,

Got to run its course.

Cannot rush the process.

Just a thing you can’t force.


The pain and the aches,

Will eventually wane.

The fog will burn off,

From inside my brain.


For now get some rest.

Sip hot, brothy soup.

Give my body the time,

It needs to recoup.


Keep the lights on dim.

Try to sleep or just nap.

Hope when I wake tomorrow,

Set free from bug’s trap.


Or, is this just revenge,

For all of the bugs I\'ve squashed?

Don\'t know if that\'s true,

From my mind, just a thought.